Plagiarism Editorial

Editorial Writing #1

Plagiarism Literary Piracy


           Plagiarism isn’t just copying others work it’s just like stealing their very soul out of convenience and laziness we plagiarize because we are too lazy to do anything. When we are too busy being idle at other things than doing the assigned homework or essay our teachers or professors give us we just go to the internet and search and the proverbial copy paste is done. But i do not blame the internet for plagiarism the main reason why we copy others work is because we as this new generation are expecting everything to be handed everything to us on a silver platter. But i disagrees the plagiarism we witness can be one or two things there is the straight copying of anothers work then theres the paraphrasing of anothers work but still keeping the gist of the copied work. The second one is done to avoid suspicion while the first one is just pure larceny that criminals can be proud of. Like the notorious pirates of the seas plagiarists have looted and pillaged ideas and works of hardworking individuals. Whether intended or not we have to know that neither ignorance nor stature excuses a person from the ethical and legal ramifications of committing plagiarism. For the consequences of plagiarism are far-reaching and no one is immune.

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